Rapport fra Koordineringsenheten for ofre for menneskehandel 2019 (2020 - KOM)
Tidligere rapporter fra KOM
Human Trafficking: Baltic Sea Region Round-Up Report 2020 (2020 - Vinat Polatside, Edrid Mujaj og Mathilda Högling - CBSS, Council of the Baltic Sea States)
Människohandel för sexuella och andra ändamål – Lägesrapport 20 (2019 – Polismyndigheten, Sverige)
Statistik 2018 - Ofre for menneskehandel i Danmark (2019 - Socialstyrelsen)
Global Report on Trafficking in Persons 2018 (2018 - UNODC, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime)
Data collection on trafficking in human beings in the EU (2018 - European Commission)
Criminal Networks Involved in the Trafficking and Exploitation of Underage Victims in the EU (2018 - Europol)
Menneskehandel i Norge – Kriminelle aktører. Et situasjonsbilde basert på politiets kilder (2017 - KRIPOS)
Global Estimates of Modern Slavery: Forced Labour and Forced Marriage (2017 - ILO, International Labour Office og Walk Free Foundation)
Global Trafficking Trends in Focus - IOM Victims of Trafficking Data, 2006-2016 (2017 - IOM, International Organization for Migration)
Trafficking in Human Beings in the EU (2016 - Europol)
Oppdatert 24.06.2020