Rapporter og artikler: Straffeforfølgelse - politiperspektiver

Rettsavgjørelser om menneskehandel - Oppdatert oversikt 31. desember 2019 (2020 - KOM, Koordineringsenheten for ofre for menneskehandel)

Facing Complexity: Police officers’ reasoning and response to human trafficking (2019 - Heidi Fischer Bjelland - Doctoral thesis - University of Oslo) - Artikler:

Underground Lives - Police response to victims of modern slavery (2019 - Hestia)

Leaving No Stone Unturned: The Borders and Orders of Transnational Prostitution (2018 - Synnøve Jahnsen og May-Len Skilbrei - The British Journal of Criminology)

Evidential Issues in Trafficking in Persons Cases - Case Digest  (2017 - UNODC, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

Tracking the trafficker? A qualitative study of the investigation of trafficking in human beings in Norway (2015 - Lone Charlotte Pettersen - Master thesis - Politihøgskolen)

Prosecuting THB for the purpose of labour exploitation (2015 - Eurojust)

Human Trafficking - How to Investigate It: Training Manual for Law Enforcement Officers (2015 - Paul David Newton - ICMPD, International Centre for Migration Policy Development)

Anti-Human Trafficking Manual for Criminal Justice Practitioners (2009 - UNODC, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime)

Oppdatert 30.04.2020