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Restricted agency, control and exploitation - Understanding the agency of trafficked persons in the 21st-century Finland (2019 - Minna Viuhko - HEUNI, European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control)
Psychological Coercion in Human Trafficking: An Application of Biderman’s Framework (2015 - Baldwin, Fehrenbacher og Eisenman - Qualitative Health Research)
Trauma-coerced Bonding and Victims of Sex Trafficking: Where do we go from here? (2015 - Chitra Raghavan og Kendra Doychak - International Journal of Emergency Mental Health and Human Resilience)
The role of recruitment fees and abusive and fraudulent recruitment practices of recruitment agencies in trafficking in persons (2015 - UNODC, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime)
Menneskehandel og juju: Religiøs pression og kulturmøde i relation til nigerianske ofre for menneskehandel (2011 - Rune Hjarnø Rasmussen - Socialstyrelsen)
Invisible Chains: Psychological Coercion of Human Trafficking Survivors (2006 - Elisabeth Hopper og José Hidalgo - Intercultural Human Rights Law Review)
Oppdatert 05.05.2020