Children deprived of parental care found in an EU Member State other than their own - A guide to enhance child protection focusing on victims of trafficking (2019 - FRA, European Union Agency for Fundemental Rights)
Listen Up! Creating conditions for children to speak and be heard: Professional communication with children at risk of exploitation and trafficking (2019 - Daja Wenke - Council of the Baltic Sea States, Expert Group on Children at Risk)
Trafficking in children and young persons in Finland (2019 - Elina Kervinen og Natalia Ollus - HEUNI, European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control)
Child Trafficking: Young People’s Experiences of Front-Line Services in England (2019 - Alinka Gearon - The British Journal of Criminology)
Strengthening responses to child trafficking and modern slavery: A Pilot Project to support foster carers looking after Albanian, Vietnamese and other unaccompanied children (2019 - IOM, International Organization for Migration)
”De kan alltid hitta mig”- Studie om människohandel och utsatta barngruppers livsvillkor (2018 - Maria von Bredow - Länsstyrelsen Stockholm) Engelsk versjon
Child Trafficking and Child Protection: Ensuring that Child Protection Mechanisms Protect the Rights and Meet the Needs of Child Victims of Human Trafficking (2018 - OSCE Office of the Special Representative and Co-ordinator for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings)
Studies in Child Protection: Technology-Facilitated Child Sex Trafficking (2018 - International Centre for Missing & Exploited Children)
Human Trafficking Prevalence and Child Welfare Risk Factors Among Homeless Youth: A Multi-City Study (2018 - Wolfe et al. - University of Pennsylvania)
Global Human Trafficking and Child Victimization (2017 - Jordan Greenbaum og Nia Bodrick - Pediatrics)
#DEVENIR - Taking back control of one’s life in France, after having been a victim of child trafficking (2017 - Secours Catholique Caritas France)
#INVISIBLES - Identifying and supporting child victims of trafficking for domestic servitude, sexual exploitation, forced begging, incitement to commit crimes and exploitation in sport through deception (2016 - Secours Catholique Caritas France)
"De sa du må" - Mindreåriges erfaringer med menneskehandel (2016 - Hilde Lidén og Cathrine Holst Salvesen - ISF, Institutt for samfunnsforskning)
Oppfølging av mulige mindreårige ofre for menneskehandel i Norge (2016 - Guri Tyldum - Fafo)
Ikke våre barn - Identifisering og oppfølging av mindreårige ofre for menneskehandel i Norge (2015 - Tyldum, Lidén, Skilbrei, Dalseng og Kindt - Fafo)
Den långa resan - Möten med barn som misstänks vara utsatta för människohandel och sexuell exploatering (2015 - Landberg, Jonsson og Svedin - Länsstyrelsen Stockholm)
Study on high-risk groups for trafficking in human beings (2015 - Cancedda, De Micheli, Dimitrova og Slot - European Commission)
Child trafficking among vulnerable Roma communities - Results of country studies in Austria, Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia (2015 - Dimitrova, Ivanova og Alexandrova - Center for the Study of Democracy, Bulgaria)
British Children Can Be Trafficked Too: Towards an Inclusive Definition of Internal Child Sex Trafficking (2014 - Helen Brayley og Ella Cockbain - Child Abuse Review)
Re/integration of trafficked persons: Working with trafficked children and youth (2014 - Rebecca Surtees - the King Baudouin Foundation / NEXUS Institute)
Mindreårige ofre for menneskehandel - Informasjon til ansatte på barneverninstitusjoner og omsorgssentre for enslige, mindreårige asylsøkere (2013 - Barne-, ungdoms- og familiedirektoratet)
On the Safe Side: Principles for the safe accommodation of child victims of trafficking (2011 - ECPAT UK)
Breaking the wall of silence - Practitioners’ responses to trafficked children and young people (2009 - Pearce, Hynes og Bovarnick - University of Bedfordshire, NSPCC)
UNHCR Guidelines on Determining the Best Interest of the Child (2008 - UNHCR, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees)
Guidelines on the Protection of Child Victims of Trafficking (2006 - UNICEF)
Reference Guide on Protecting the Rights of Child Victims of Trafficking in Europe (2006 - Mike Dottridge - UNICEF)
Let´s talk: Developing effective communication with child victims of abuse and human trafficking – Practical handbook for social workers, police and other professionals (2004 -Barbara Mitchels - UNICEF)
Oppdatert 30.04.2020