How Do Trafficking Survivors Cope? Identifying the General and Spiritual Coping Strategies of Men Trafficked into the United States (2020 - David R. Hodge - Journal of Social Service Research)
Illuminating and blinding - The searchlight effect of human trafficking policies on anti-trafficking practice (2019 - Anette Brunovskis - University of Oslo)
Lifelong Wellbeing for Survivors of Sex Trafficking: Collaborative Perspectives From Survivors, Researchers, and Service Providers (2018 - Bintliff, Stark, Brown og Alonso - Dignity: A journal on Sexual Exploitation and Violence)
Individual or Structural Inequality? Access and Barriers in Welfare Services for Women Who Sell Sex (2018 - Anette Brunovskis og May-Len Skilbrei - Social Inclusion)
Special rights within universal welfare: Assistance to trafficking victims in Norway (2016 - Anette Brunovskis - Journal of Comparative Social Work)
A Kaleidoscope: The role of the social work practitioner and the strength of social work theories and practice in meeting the complex needs of people trafficked and the professionals that work with them (2014 - Busch-Armendariz, Nsonwu og Heffron - International Social Work)
Safe Future Methodology (2014 - Federatie Opvang, Nederland)
Bistand og beskyttelse til ofre for menneskehande - Tverretatlig samarbeid i Oslo og Bergen (2013 - Silje Sønsterudbråten - Fafo)
Tverretatlig Operativt Team (TOT) i Bergen, 2006-2012 (2013 - Else Kristin Utne Berg - Utekontakten i Bergen)
A fuller picture - Addressing trafficking-related assistance needs and socio-economic vulnerabilities (2012 - Anette Brunovskis og Rebecca Surtees - Fafo/NEXUS Institute)
Leaving the past behind? When victims of trafficking decline assistance - Summary report 2012 - Anette Brunovskis and Rebecca Surtees - Fafo/NEXUS Institute)
Pusterom eller ny start? Evaluering av refleksjonsperioden for ofre for menneskehandel (2010 - Anette Brunovskis, May-Len Skilbrei og Marianne Tveit - Fafo)
IOM Training Manual on Psychosocial Assistance for Trafficked Persons (2010 - Nattasuda Taephant - International Organization for Migration, Regional Office, Bangkok, Thailand)
Leaving the past behind? When victims of trafficking decline assistance - Full report (2007 - Anette Brunovskis og Rebecca Surtees - Fafo/NEXUS Institute)
Oppdatert 30.04.2020