Ressurser    Helse

Rapporter og artikler: Helse - helsehjelp

The Trauma-Informed Code of Conduct - For all Professionals working with Survivors of Human Trafficking and Slavery (2018 - Rachel Witkin og Katy Robjant - Helen Bamber Foundation)

Hidden in Plain Sight - A Guide to Human Trafficking for Home Healthcare Clinicians (2018 - Theresa R. Wyatt og Jaime Sinutko - Home Healthcare Now)

Psychological consequences of child trafficking: An historical cohort study of trafficked children in contact with secondary mental health services (2018 - Ottisova, Smith, Shetty, Stahl, Downs og Oram - PLoS One)

Human trafficking and exploitation: A global health concern (2017 - Cathy Zimmerman og Ligia Kiss - PLoS Medicine)

Labour trafficking: Challenges and opportunities from an occupational health perspective (2017 - Elena Ronda-Pérez og Bente E. Moen - PLoS Medicine)

Human Trafficking, Mental Illness, and Addiction: Avoiding Diagnostic Overshadowing (2017 - Stoklosa, MacGibbon og Stoklosa - AMA Journal of Ethics)

Mental health and human trafficking: responding to survivors' needs (2017 - Altun, Abas, Zimmerman og Howard - British Journal of Psychiatry International)

Maternity care for trafficked women: Survivor experiences and clinicians’ perspectives in the United Kingdom’s National Health Service (2017 - Bick, Howard, Oram og Zimmerman - PLoS ONE)

The trafficking of women and the role of the midwife (2016 - Hannah Tizard - The Practising Midwife)

Prevalence and risk of violence and the mental, physical and sexual health problems associated with human trafficking: an updated systematic review (2016 - Ottisowa, Hemmings, Howard, Zimmerman og Oram - Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences)

Responding to the health needs of survivors of human trafficking: a systematic review (2016 - Hemmings, Jakobowitz, Abas, Bick, Howard, Stanley, Zimmerman og Oram - BMC Health Services Research)

Human Trafficking and Health: A Survey of Male and Female Survivors in England (2016 - Oram et al. - American Journal of Public Health)

Access to, and experiences of, healthcare services by trafficked people: findings from a mixed-methods study in England (2016 - Westwood, Howard, Stanley, Zimmerman, Gerada og Oram - British Journal of General Practice)

The health needs and healthcare experiences of young people trafficked into the UK (2016 - Stanley et al. - Child Abuse & Neglect)

Addressing Mental Health Needs in Survivors of Modern Slavery - A Critical Review and Research Agenda (2015 - Katona, Robjant, Shapcott og Witkin - Helen Bamber Foundation)

Mental health service responses to human trafficking: a qualitative study of professionals’ experiences of providing care (2015 - Domoney, Howard, Abas, Broadbent og Oram - BMC Psychiatry)

Human Trafficking: Guidebook on Identification, Assessment, and Response in the Health Care Setting (2014 - Alpert, Ahn, Albright, Purcell, Burke og Macias-Konstantopoulos - Massachusetts General Hospital and Massachusetts Medical Society)

Risk factors for mental disorders in women survivors of human trafficking: a historical cohort study (2013 - Abas, Ostrovschi, Prince, Gorgeag, Tribug og Oram - BMC Psychiatry)

Human Trafficking: Trauma and Psychotherapy - A Collection of Papers (2013 - Irena Korićanac (red.) - ASTRA)

Human trafficking and health: A conceptual model to inform policy, intervention and research (2011 - Zimmerman, Hossain og Watts - Social Science & Medicine)

Medical Treatment of Victims of Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence and Its Applicability to Victims of Human Trafficking (2010 - Williamson, Dutch og Clawson - U.S. Department of Health & Human Services)

Evidence-Based Mental Health Treatment for Victims of Human Trafficking (2010 - Williamson, Dutch og Clawson - U.S. Department of Health & Human Services)

Caring for Trafficked Persons: Guidance for Health Providers (2009 - Cathy Zimmerman og Rosilyne Borland (red.) - IOM, UN.GIFT og London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine)

Treating the Hidden Wounds:  Trauma Treatment and Mental Health Recovery for Victims of Human Trafficking (2008 - Clawson, Salomon og Lisa Grace - U.S. Department of Health & Human Services)

Oppdatert 30.04.2020